
Nominations for the EFCATS awards are welcome. Please refer to each award for the deadline and details on the procedure.


Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis

The Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis is administered jointly by the North American Catalysis Society and the European Federation of Catalysis Societies. More

The APACS & EFCATS Michel Che Award

The APACS & EFCATS Michel Che Award aims to recognize outstanding scientists for their fundamental contributions in the fields of catalyst design and characterization. More


The Francois Gault Lectureship sponsored by EFCATS aims to recognize a body of outstanding contributions by individuals in all fields of catalysis ranging from theory to experiment and from fundamental to applied research. More

Robert K. Grasselli Award

The Robert K. Grasselli Award for Catalysis aims to recognize outstanding theoretical and experimental contributions in the field of oxidation catalysis. More

EFCATS Applied Catalysis Award

EFCATS Applied Catalysis Award aims to recognize individuals with excellence in scientific novelty, technical achievements in development and scale-up, interdisciplinary teamwork between scientists and engineers. More

EFCATS Young Researcher Award

The EFCATS Young Researcher Award recognizes individual contributions in the field of catalysis with emphasis on theoretical or experimental discovery and understanding of new catalysts and catalytic processes. More

EFCATS Best PhD Thesis Award

The Best PhD Thesis Award is presented biannually by EFCATS to a young scholar who has completed his/her PhD thesis in the period two years before Europacat.  More


Awardees 2021

Awardees 2019

Awardees 2017

Awardees 2015

Awardees 2013