The EFCATS Applied Catalysis Award

The EFCATS Applied Catalysis Award recognizes individuals displaying excellence in scientific novelty, technical achievements in development and scale-up or interdisciplinary teamwork between scientists and engineers, with emphasis on actual or potential commercial application. Selection of the Award winner will be made by a committee of renowned scientists involving a majority of current or previous industrial scientists appointed by the President and Vice-President of The European federation of Catalysis Societies with guidance provided by members of the EFCATS board. Committee members who are current or recent employees of the company of any nominee will always abstain from handling or promoting that proposal.

The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium of EUR 5,000. The awardee delivers a lecture in the forthcoming Europacat.

Nominations for the Award should demonstrate the candidate’s excellence and include:

  • A presentation letter in which the merits of the candidate(s) are indicated (prepared by the person proposing the candidate(s)),
  • A list of the achievements of the candidate(s) confirmed by the company applying the new contribution within a supporting letter, and
  • A detailed CV of the candidate(s).

The nomination documents should be submitted in one single pdf file to the President of EFCATS Prof. David Kubicka () and the Secretary Dr. Nathalie Tanchoux ().

The deadline for the submission of the nominations is December 31, 2024.