About us
The European Association of Catalysis Societies, an AISBL, is a non-profit organization of 25 National European Catalysis Societies to facilitate, coordinate, and rationalize scientific activities in the field of catalysis on a transnational level. EFCATS and the National Catalysis Societies aim to mutually strengthen all activities on national and transnational levels in all areas of catalysis.
According to the Constitution, the purpose of EFCATS is to provide to its members organisational, technical and financial support promoting and coordinating the participation of its partners in activities aimed to help their scientific development, training, funding of research grants, industrial contracts, technology transfer, creation of spin-offs, conception of enabling technologies and solutions along the value chain that are required to reach long term sustainability and technological development in Europe, in the sector of Catalysis. Among other activities, EFCATS will:
- promote scientific and technical progress both in the fundamental understanding and in the application of catalysis in all its manifestations;
- foster public awareness of the importance of catalysis and to initiate educational activities;
- represent the views of the membership and the scientific community at large concerning research priorities to funding agencies, the European Community and national governments;
- To act as a center of information on catalysis, and to coordinate and publicize the activities of national catalysis societies and of inter-governmental organizations, through distribution for example via a Website;
- organize a biennial European Congress on Catalysis, to be known as EUROPACAT;
- act as a vehicle for exchange of information and views on catalysis and science policy;
- arrange meetings and to approve other activities that advance the above objectives;