The EFCATS Young Researchers Award

The EFCATS Young Researchers Award recognizes individual contributions in the field of heterogeneous catalysis with emphasis on theoretical or experimental discovery and understanding of new catalysts and catalytic processes, synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, mechanisms of reactions, or deactivation phenomena.

The candidates for the award must have demonstrated the potential for research independence and evidence of maturity. Applicants should also possess a promising track-record of early achievements appropriate to their specific research field and career stage, including significant publications (as main author) in major international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals, or in the leading international peer-reviewed journals of catalysis field. They may also demonstrate a record of invited presentations in well-established international conferences, granted patents, awards, prizes etc.

Selection of the Award winner will be made by a committee of renowned scientists appointed by the President and Vice-President of The European federation of Catalysis Societies. Selection shall be made on the basis of excellence. The award winner must be younger than 41 years old on March 1st of the award year. Thus, nomination documents should indicate the date of birth of the nominee. Extension request for the age limit is eligible for Maternity or Paternity leave according to the EU (ERC) rules.

The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium of EUR 5,000. The awardee delivers a lecture in the forthcoming Europacat.

Nominations for the Award should prove the candidate’s excellence and will include:

  • A presentation in which the merits of the candidate are detailed. The presentation letter should be prepared by the person proposing the candidate.
  • Two further recommendation letters, and
  • The candidate’s CV (including the date of birth).

The nomination documents should be submitted in one single pdf file to the President of EFCATS Prof. David Kubicka ( and the Secretary Dr. Nathalie Tanchoux (

The deadline for the submission of the nominations is December 31, 2024.