The Best PhD Thesis Award

The Best PhD Thesis Award is presented biannually by EFCATS to a young scholar who has completed his/her PhD thesis within two calendar years preceding the EUROPACAT meeting. The prize which will be presented at the EUROPACAT meeting is accompanied by a stipend of 1,000 Euros.

The nominations should include

  • A PDF file of the thesis. In those cases where the thesis is not written in English an extended abstract of the thesis written in English together with the PDF files of the relevant publications should be provided
  • A recommendation letter written by the candidate’s PhD supervisor supporting the excellence of the candidate’s work and contribution to the field
  • The candidate’s CV

The nomination documents should be submitted in one single pdf file to the President of EFCATS Prof. Bert Weckhuysen () and the Secretary Prof. Hilde J. Venvik (

Nominations will only be received through national catalysis societies and not from individuals directly. For the current award, the PhD theses completed/defended from 31st March 2021 onwards will be considered.

The deadline for the submissions is March 31, 2023, however, a final defence date until April 31 is eligible.